
The Google Ranking Glitch: What It Means for Your SEO Strategy

Head to LinkedIn or an SEO-related website over the next few days, and you’re going to see one topic dominating the newsfeed – The Google Ranking Glitch

Yes, even Google makes mistakes! 

There are plenty of concerns over this unexpected Google ranking glitch, which has caused significant fluctuations in search results. 

This glitch, confirmed by Google, is unrelated to the ongoing August 2024 core update but has impacted a considerable number of sites.

On the face of it, that’s a good thing. However, it has created a lot of confusion and uncertainty for website owners and digital marketers.

So, what exactly is this Google ranking glitch, and how does it affect your SEO strategy?

Understanding the Google Ranking Glitch

Google’s algorithms are the backbone of search rankings, designed to surface the most relevant and high-quality content

However, the recent glitch caused erratic changes in these rankings, leading to notable drops for some websites and unexpected boosts for others

Google has identified the issue and is actively working on a resolution, with updates expected within 12 hours. 

That being said, we all know what Google is like with timelines…(cough, cough – 3rd party cookie depreciation)

What is the Impact of This on Your SEO Efforts?

For marketers and SEO professionals, these fluctuations can be concerning, especially when they disrupt long-standing rankings. 

This glitch serves as a reminder of the volatile nature of search algorithms and the importance of maintaining a flexible SEO strategy.

As an agency, we’ve seen plenty of ups and downs in search rankings over the years caused by various algorithm updates, technical issues, and even manual penalties. 

While these fluctuations can be frustrating, they also provide valuable insights into how search engines operate and help us adapt to ever-changing ranking factors.

So what should you do if your website has been affected by this recent Google glitch? 

What You Can Do…

1. Monitor Your Rankings Closely: Use tools like Google Search Console and third-party rank trackers to monitor any significant changes in your rankings. This will help you assess the impact of the glitch on your website.

2. Avoid Drastic Changes: While it might be tempting to make quick changes in response to ranking drops, it’s essential to avoid overreacting. Google’s team is working on fixing the issue, and rankings may stabilise soon.

3. Focus on Quality Content: Continue to prioritise creating high-quality, relevant content. This strategy remains the most reliable way to secure and improve your rankings over time.

4. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates from Google and trusted SEO sources (we always post about these updates on our LinkedIn, too). Understanding the nature of the glitch and its resolution will help you adjust your strategy accordingly.

The Importance of Long-Term SEO Resilience

This glitch highlights the need for a resilient SEO strategy that can withstand unexpected changes. Diversifying your traffic sources, building a strong content foundation, and staying informed about algorithm updates are key to maintaining your online presence.

While the Google ranking glitch is a temporary disruption, it serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of a robust and adaptable SEO strategy. By staying vigilant and focused on long-term goals, your website can navigate these challenges and emerge stronger.

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